The lasagna is a bad story. I love cooking and reading cookbooks. It is really one of my favorite things to be in my kitchen (no matter how small). Sometimes I feel like I could have been Liv Walton cooking and preparing food all day. I attempted to create this new lasagna recipe that I got from a reputable crock pot book. My crock pot is new, which may be the problem. Bottom line is at the end of the cooking time the sausage was still raw. I even added an additional hour plus on high. Still gross. So disappointed. All that work to make dinner that we could have eaten twice and we still ended up ordering a pizza.
After I trashed the lasagna I decided I needed to get some exercise. (Yes, I did throw it out. Raw sausage is unsettling. After fighting with it to cook I knew I could not eat that lasagna without worrying about getting sick.)I have been taking the time to do various workouts we have, and we have a lot! Well last night my bad mood and I decided to try Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies. Yes I own this, and yes it is a tape, and yes it is from 1988. What can I say, I am not twenty five. It is virtually impossible to stay in a bad mood if you are working out with Richard Simmons. You can't. If you are dancing and doing his routine as he sings, never mind that the video is totally 80's. It actually is a great workout and got me over the lasagna disaster. Not over it enough for hubby to make jokes. The recipe I attempted is on the front cover of the cookbook. He started to crack a joke. I told him I was not ready for that. He asked when I would be ready. That's marriage for you. At least he bought the pizza.