Besides my zealous purchase of cold cuts, we had a steady supply of food. We even got more when my mother spent two days with us. However, we did eat out. We had two dinners, pizza and two brunches out. So, it wasn't cheap, but it was vacation and we had fun. Plus, with the cold cut exception and bit of frozen salad, I was able to bring most of what we did not eat home. I will admit that it was quite repetitive and we need a cheeseburger and hot dog break! We usually have a bit more variety, however, I wanted to relax as much as possible.
Vacation Menu
Saturday Cheeseburgers (too tired for salad)
Sunday Out
Monday Cheeseburgers and Hot Dogs, pasta salad and salad
Tuesday Hot Dogs and watermelon
Wednesday Marinated Chicken with left over pasta salad and salad
Thursday Out for pizza
Friday Out
Saturday-back at home and shells from freezer
So now that we are back I have inventoried everything I have left in my freezer, fridge and pantry and am working on a two week menu plan. We have an abundance of food, and I am getting a new meat delivery on Friday. I was going to change my order up, but I think I will go with the current order and maybe skip August. After a week of spending, I want to tighten things up and use up the food that we have. With the exception of fresh fruit we could probably go a full week without shopping.
If you go on vacation and you plan your meals and stick to it, that is great. I am impressed by you! If you stray from your plan or eat out more than you planned don't fret. It is vacation. The goal is just to have fun.