Sunday, September 23, 2012

A weeks worth of goals........

It is the end of weekend. In some ways my weekend is my work week because I work part of the weekend so Mondays for me are a more relaxing day. One child at school and one home with me while I do laundry and cook a little something. I am sure I will play Candy Land at least once.

This week is going to be busy. Lots to do and two job interviews. I am also working on my Couch to 5K plan. My goal is to take each moment as it comes and not think too far ahead. I have nothing tomorrow beyond making dinner, a little laundry, and maybe a Candy Land challenge.

I am making a promise to myself that on my busy days I will take each day as it comes and not think too far ahead. I am a far ahead thinker and it makes me crazy.

So my goals for this week are to

not think too far ahead

not worry about my job interviews that are aren't happening that day (yes prepare for them) but don't get all worked up

stay organized and calm



breathe-seriously I forget this

work on meditation

practice my Couch to 5K

get to bed early each night

I need to go so I can complete my last goal

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