Excuse my rhyming title. I keep trying to get a handle on this grocery thing, and it is hard. Food is at an all time high, however, when shopping you must think about the needs of your family.
Most of our dinners include meat, and that won't be changing anytime soon. I personally could eat many meatless meals, but I have to meet the needs of everyone in my house.
So even though I am not an extreme couponer, I did extremely well on Saturday at my local Stop & Shop. While that isn't really my favorite store, it is a good place to go for strategic shopping because they run good sales and double your coupons. My shopping included lots of produce, which I mainly bought on sale. I would never not buy produce. It is an essential part of our diet and must be purchased even without coupons.
My score included:
Family size boxes of cereal $8.00 (after coupons and b1g1-not awesome, but we do eat a lot of cereal
Horizon crackers -2 boxes with a b1g1 coupon
Fish sticks for 50% off each box-feeding my family fish sticks doesn't really win me mother of the year, but we all have flaws
Two bags of cookies with a coupon
Free ice cream (for buying the cookies)
Bread for $1.50 a loaf (whole wheat-no hfcs-already plenty in the cookies)
Large package chicken drumsticks
Shredded Cheese
Canned tomatoes
Canned pineapple
Granola bars
Laundry soap
Multi-pack tissues
Deli turkey
Deli cheese
Two boxes of yogurt tubes
Tuna (two cans)
Hummus (large container)
Produce, including squash, carrots, grapes, apples, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, and strawberries
Napkins-I try to use cloth and keep some paper on hand
Large storage bags (really for my classroom)
All together my order was only $104 and change. It was really amazing. I received a $5.00 in the mail as well as $2.00 off produce. I was also able to load an additional $5.00 off onto my Stop & Shop card. In addition, I had multiple coupons for other products that were on sale. I know I could skip the junk food and save some more, but you have to have something. Also, I did not buy much meat. I have some meals planned with things we had on hand.
I was super impressed with my trip, but we have already eaten a lot of produce. It really goes fast. I hope to get through two weeks on an allotted budget. We will see.
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