Where does the weekend go? I left work on Friday to grab the kids. I wanted to leave earlier, but I had a few things that had to be done. We were in the door before 5:00, which is early for us. I knew there was tons to do. Over vacation I had worked hard to put things in order, catch up on laundry, organize (some parts of the house). I would like to stay caught up. Friday night included three loads of laundry that I still need to put away. Folding and putting away laundry is my least favorite part of laundry. Yesterday included basketball, grocery shopping, and cleaning the house. I squeezed it all into one day since we were having company. Now today is already Sunday and includes more activities, and I have lesson plans and work to do, AND I must go to the gym. I just could not do it this first week back. I was so bad. I am going today, no questions asked.
Yesterday's grocery shopping was amazing. I was able to use two different $5.00 coupons off my order, get a few items free (water and carrots), and use a few more store coupons. I don't bother printing the coupon.com coupons because my old lap top can't handle the software. We had homemade dinner Sunday through Friday. I prepped and really planned it out, making changes as needed. The kids took yogurts, leftover holiday treats, and fruit with their lunches. Saturday we ordered pizza since my friend and her children came over for dinner. Today it is pizza for lunch. I roasted a chicken yesterday which I hope to get three meals out of, including soup. Can you hear my family groaning? Last Sunday I spent $79.00 and yesterday I spent $117. That is under $200. I typically have been spending over $160 plus additional trips for a family of four. We don't have a ton of food storage, which is why I spent what I did yesterday, but we will make this work. I made sure to buy enough milk and bread so there is no need to hit a store or send my husband who always adds cookies to the milk. I even passed up some holiday tea for .75 per box. I almost bought avocados and my nine year old joked "It's not on the list". Well guess who did not buy avocados? It is funny to hear your own words used against you. I hear sweet voices and feet. Time to start my day.
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