Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Schedules and me

I need one plain and simple. Me without a schedule is a one way ticket to depression city. I am not mocking depression; I am serious. If I don't have a schedule I get weird and off. Working full time, as hard and as challenging as it was, gave me a schedule. It was sometimes crazy, but it is what I need. If I am as lucky to work full time in the fall (we don't know quite yet) I need to get my meals in order because we ate way too much take out this year. It was really bad, and it has negatively affected my waist line.

What I need,want, and will have is a schedule for the summer. It will include working on the house every day to declutter and clean. It should include exercise and eating well to get into better shape. There is no excuse right now not to be able to make a healthy dinner. I have the time. There will be play time with the kids, which will include swimming in our town pool. Seeing friends I haven't seen in months and reading for enjoyment, which I had little time to do this year and really missed. It would be good to add spend some time with my spouse alone without children. Also my final schedule idea is to write something every day. Even if it is to just to recap my schedule.

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