Starting today I am launching my Extreme Hard Core Saving Plan. I have been cutting back for the new year and thinking about how to best enjoy life.
Note: January is a crazy time for teachers. Standardized tests loom and overall I always feel down and defeated at this time of year, but I digress.
My new goal is to sock as much from each check as I can. I have organized my bills and tried to budget for extras. I have a set grocery budget that I plan to stick with. We have done very well with groceries for January.
Pay day is two days away. I just checked my account, made sure I had enough for gas and transferred my last $50 into savings. When I get paid Thursday, I plan to stick almost $500 from my check into savings. I have been transferring $200 per month, plus another $100 into another account, plus $100 into one of our 529. Lame! I could be saving so much more. I have found some places to cut back and hope to save as much as humanly possible from each check through June. That is 12 checks @ hopefully $500 per check. I am hoping to add $6,000 to our savings in the next five months.
Can I make my goal? Every single time I try to purchase something I will think $6,000, $6,000, $6,000.
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